Otis Wonder Has The Grooves To Move You!”

Great Songs, Sharp Dress

High Production Value

Professional Sound

Otis Wonder & The Hustle is an experience that should not be missed.  Playing all the best  Motown, Soul, and Classic R&B, crowds are dancing and singing along all night long.  Otis' vocalist and front man, Matthew C. Bunt, is an entertainer through and through.  He has the moves, the stage presence, and the voice to back it up.  Guitarist/Vocalist Josh Young's tasteful guitar work and funk rhythms are perfectly balanced by bass player Zoran Tasevski and drummer Andrew McVeigh.  Zoran and Andrew bring the grooves that make you want to get up and dance.  You can catch Otis Wonder & The Hustle playing all across Southern Ontario at clubs, bars, and festivals.

Otis Wonder's Wildly Entertaining Vocalist

You Can't Sit Still For These Grooves

Sticks and Tones